Sunday, November 23, 2008


Young Emily parades through the wild daisies in the field behind the old barn. The wind carves elegant slashes in the wildflowers shaving random rows and raising others. She chases like a lost soul finding her calling. Chasing what cannot be chased, but can be found. The sound of the wind is interrupted by smooshing and gnawing. Her old friend stood munching on a mouthful of daisies. The young stallion. Her savior. She hops on his back and feels the warmth of his main under her chin. Wrapping her arms around his neck she steadies herself and they take of just like every other day. She feels secure on his back. Safe. Saved.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tom stood speechless bleeding from his nose watching the only love he had left walk out of his life. Wiping the tears from his eyes smearing blood and tears into a syrup like mixture he dropped to his knees and began to weep. He opened up his wallet and slowly pulled out an old warn out brown leather wallet. Opening the wallet, his hand shaking furiously, he pulled out an old picture and held it close to his rapidly beating heart.
"God Dad, why am I such a mess!? A screw up! A dead beat! I hate you!" He yelled into the picture like it would answer back with the response he knew he wouldn't get. The coke now making it's way into his brain rendering him numb and seemingly invincible. He walked out of the house slamming the door behind him snapping the spring to the door in the middle leaving it swinging in the gusty spring night. Putting the picture back into his pocket he disappeared into the night to repair his broken relationship.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Emptying Pockets

-Set of car keys for a cutlass supreme
-A clip of money, 5s, 10s, and 20s only.
-Pack of Parliament Lights
-Stray sunflower seeds
-Wallet with no money or I.D. just a family portrait
-Stick of gum

character info

Name-Tommy Tate
Looks-Curly, dark brown hair, about 6'1", medium build, pale skin
Education-Dropped out of college his sophomore year
Status/Money-Middle to lower class
Relationship-Jaime Davis (girlfriend) 
Family/Ethnicity-Mom who never talks to, Dad and little brother died in car crash,Caucasian
Places-His home in Minneapolis, The Market down the street, the alleyway behind the market, the lake down the street 
Possessions-House, clothing, money, power in the community, dog (maggie), fathers ashes, brothers picture
Recreation/Hobbies-Watching t.v., going to the lake down the street, listening to music
Obsessions-Money, power, drugs, Dad, Brother, girlfriend
Beliefs-Everyone is out to get you
Politics-Out of the loop
Sexual History-Girlfriend for 2 years
Fears-Cops, Dad
Attitudes-Angry, sad, depressed
Character Flaws-Looks up to his Dad who passed on, always asks if his Dad is disappointed
Character Strengths-?
Taste in Books/Music-Rap/hip-hop
Handwriting-Sloppy, squiggly
Astrological Sign-Aquarius
As Seen by Self-Snake tattoo on forearm, ears pierced


Sunday, November 2, 2008

The laughing children played with their toys in the daycare center. Janine sat silent in the corner by the plastic table. The Play Doh, her savior. A younger girl than her stammeringly walked her pigeon toes over to the table carrying a peculiar looking doll. 
"Hi! my name is Jenny. Want to be friends?" Her eyes wide open glimmering in the light reflecting small beads of light. 
"Sure! My name is Ja..." Her words instantly sliding back down her throat into her stomach conjuring the contents. Her palms not sweating as she slid back on her seat almost into the wall.
"...nine. My name is Janine. Can you put your doll away please?" Revealing a slight urgency to get away from the miniature. The eyes seemingly fallowing her with every shift of her body. 
"Her name is Annie...she is my dolly." Shifting and concentrating on other things than the doll are making things awkward. Every object she looks at reminds her of the doll.
"I have have to go to the bathroom!" Janine ran to the bathroom and locked the door holding back the notion that the doll was fallowing behind. 

action freewrite

Steve and Kristy sat on the couch, clutching each other's hand as the glowing box shining through the dark displayed figures in a horror movie. Slowly but almost in synchronization they both look into the other's eyes. Moving in their lips lock exploding hormones inside like atom bombs. The kissing becomes vigorous and heated as the clothes begin to shed like slithering snakes molting a layer skin. Moving to the floor the front door opens and the lights flash on revealing the two of them on the floor.
"What the fuck! Kristy! What are you doing?!" Gregg walked into the room to find his girlfriend of two years fooling around with a underclassmen. 
"I'm gonna be the shit outta you punk!" Gregg picked the half naked perpetrator off the ground and into a world of pain. Laying punch after punch poor Steve didn't even have time to put his pants back on. Left cross, right jab, uppercut, all landing with precision around the eyes and jaw. Bare knuckles met bare face like all punches knew their place. His face was no longer distinguishable as it physically turned into a target/punching bag. Steve fell to the carpet laying bloody and unconcious next to a sobbing Kristy. 
"Gregg I'm sorry! He moved in on me I swear! Gregg? Please, answer me Gregg!" 
"Get the fuck out of my house and take your shit with you...including your bloody boyfriend!"

Sunday, October 26, 2008

exercise 2

John looked deep into Mary's eyes as if manually trying to tell her brain to agree.
"You don't understand Mary she is just a friend from work I swear!" Mary looked to the ground older her arms crossed. Looking up John catches a glimpse of a tear running down her cheek.
"Please Mary don't cry, don't cry please!" She stood still and mumbled,
"What is her name?"
"What?" John asked with a slight chirp in his voice.
"What is her name!" Mary now yelling, her arms no longer crossed but with a finger pointing strait at his face.
"Her name is Janice, she is a co-worker I swear." Mary reaches into her bag and pulls out a garment.
"Well tell Janice she left he underwear in our bed." She threw the pair of panties at John's face and stormed out of the apartment.